About borderless

borderless is an independent publication launched in September 2022 by Hendrik Michaelsen. The content is mostly focused on new technology, blockchain, and web development. This project aims to bring people closer together with the help of new innovations as well as get rid of borders inside our own thoughts.

Keep imagining the impossible.

What other projects is our team involved in?

Our team has two more projects which are in the technology realm. More specifically Cloudy which is a hosting provider review website. With over 10 years of experience in the market, we have a lot of ground to cover on why you should choose a specific provider over the other.

We offer unbiased reviews of top cloud service providers, comparing performance, pricing, and support to help you find the best solution.

The other project is solely on the topic of DNS. It is supposed to give you an easier start with the technology and use it as if you would be a professional. Just as with this project our goal is to offer people the help they need and remove the borders with technology. On DNSmanual.com you can find a bunch of tutorials regarding the topic and learn DNS techniques.

Explore comprehensive, step-by-step guides for mastering DNS configurations, troubleshooting, and optimization.